Collections of movie collectible items , premiums and memorabilia from lucky draws, contests , movie gala premieres gifts , movie previews gifts and online prizes

My Movie Collectibles

Mars Attack Frisbee

Mars Attack !!  Mars Attack !!    
The Martians are coming !!

This is a Star studded movie directed by Tim Burton that is filled with the unexpected throughout and I remembered almost wetting my pants due to too much laughter while watching the movie.
This 1996 fantasy / sci fic /  thriller movie features an amazing cast - some of which we are familiar with includes Jack Nicholson , Glenn Close , Annette Bening , Pierce Brosnan, Michael J Fox..
the list goes on....

Mars Attack

This Frisbee and also the international Release Poster for Mars attack was given free to me from a movie preview which I won during a contest from an entertainment magazine. It was sealed nicely until today, which in order to take a better or rather clearer picture of it, I took the wrapper off ... unwillingly of course but I keep telling myself  "It is for the Greater Good".......seriously?!

We Come in Peace 
& leave you in 

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